A Letter From God
- A LETTER FROM GOD - A black ink and gray pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size vellum paper. It appears in the Ace Paperback, "DESTINIES, Winter, 1981".
There is a small booklet titled, "One Solitary Life," that tells a story about a man who lived over two thousand years ago. He never owned anything, never had a family of his own, never went to school, never traveled more than 200 miles from the place of his birth. He did none of the things that great men of history are noted for. He is noted for delivering a message from "God". But he was called a troublemaker by his enemies and they pressured the Roman Authorities to get rid of him. They did, he was arrested, convicted, and nailed to a cross.
But such are the ways of men that twenty centuries have passed since he was crucified, and yet the memory of that "Man" and the meaning of the "Message" are still with us, to inspire and influence our progress. All the armies that ever marched, all the navies that ever sailed, all the kings and governments that ever ruled, put together, have not affected the life of man as much as that "One Solitary Life".
Think of the difference between the lives of men; from the many whose destiny is to accomplish nothing and be completely forgotten and unrecorded in the history of man, to those few in each generation whose influence on the destiny of mankind is profound. The difference between the two is like the distance between the stars.
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